Title | ISASS AP 2023 2023 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery, Asia-Pacific Section |
Period | August 16 (Wed) - 19 (Sat), 2023 |
Venue | Conrad Seoul Hotel, Yeouido, Seoul, Korea |
Organized by | Korean Society for the Advancement for Spine Surgery (KOSASS) International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS) |
Official Language | English |
Secretariat | ISASS AP 2023 Secretariat [People-x, Inc.] 1F, Haeoreum B/D 16, Yeoksam-ro 17 gil, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06246, Korea T. +82-2-566-6032 | F. +82-2-566-6087 | E. info@isassap.org | W. www.isassap.org |
Korean Society for the Advancement for Spine Surgery [대한척추신기술학회] Tel: +82-2-2228-0582 | F. +82-2-393-9979 | E. kosasskorea@gmail.com | W. www.kosass.or.kr |